
Showing posts with the label addiction

Understanding Addiction

  Labeling all people using substance as addicts can be counter productive, as it takes the attention away from those who need help the most. Addiction is a chronic condition that is difficult to diagnose and treat. While the signs can be clear, diagnosis first relies on the person with an addiction or people close to them acknowledging and wanting to address the problem. The first step in diagnosis relies on a friend, family member, or the person with addiction themselves acknowledging a need for treatment. This can often be the most difficult step and might sometimes involve a personal or group intervention if an individual with substance use disorder is not aware of the extent of the problem. So to make this process objective, criterias are set to help diagnosing substance dependance or addiction. Any 3 of the 6 criterias set out, if present over the last one year, helps confirm the diagnosis. We will begin by looking at 2 of these initially. a. A strong desire or sense of compulsio


  Effects on children - Witnessing the trauma of a parent suffering from addiction at a young age has long-term effects on the child. Children who grow up seeing a parent addicted to drugs or alcohol are more likely to develop SUDs in their adulthood. They are also 3 times more likely to be neglected or physically and/or sexually abused. Seeing a parent on drugs often invokes distressing emotions which not only create delays in learning and development but can also lead to prolonged mental and emotional disorders. Since children are still developing their personalities and are vulnerable to external influences, they run the risk of repeating such behaviors. Children may be exposed to aggression or violent behavior due to a parent’s drinking. Arguments between parents may be normal, causing the child emotional distress as they witness family members fighting. Early exposure to a home divided by drug use can cause a child to feel emotionally and physically neglected and unsafe. As a res