
Parenting for Teenagers: 15-17 years

  Emotional/Social Changes: Children in this age group might: Have more interest in platonic and serious relationships. Go through less conflict with parents. Show more independence from parents. Have a deeper capacity for caring and sharing and for developing more intimate relationships. Spend less time with parents and more time with friends. Feel a lot of sadness or depression, which can lead to poor grades at school, alcohol or drug use, unsafe sex, and other problems. Thinking and Learning: Children in this age group might: Learn more defined work habits. Show more concern about future school and work plans. Be better able to give reasons for their own choices, including about what is right or wrong Positive Parenting Tips: Following are some things you, as a parent, can do to help your teen during this time: Talk with your teen about her concerns and pay attention to any changes in her behavior. Ask her if she feels sad or depressed. Show interest in your teen’s school and...

Parenting Tips: 12 - 14 years

  Emotional/Social Changes, Children in this age group might: Show more concern about body image, looks, and clothes. Focus on themselves; going back and forth between high expectations and lack of confidence. Experience more moodiness. Show more interest in and influence by peer group. Express less affection toward parents; sometimes might seem rude or short-tempered. Feel stress from more challenging school work. Develop eating problems. Feel a lot of sadness or depression, which can lead to poor grades at school, alcohol or drug use, unsafe sexual exploration, and other problems. Thinking and Learning, Children in this age group might: Have more ability for complex thought. Be better able to express feelings through talking. Develop a stronger sense of right and wrong Following are some things you, as a parent, can do to help your child during this time: Be honest and direct with your teen when talking about sensitive subjects such as drugs, drinking, smoking, and sexualit...

Parenting Tips: 9-11 years

  Emotional/Social Changes Children in this age group might:  Start to form stronger, more complex friendships and peer relationships. It becomes more emotionally important to have friends, especially of the same sex.  Experience more peer pressure.  Become more aware of his or her body as puberty approaches. Body image & eating problems start around this time. Thinking and Learning Children in this age group might:   Face more academic challenges at school. Become more independent from the family .  Begin to see the point of view of others more clearly. Have an increased attention span. Positive Parenting Tips: following are some things you, as a parent, can do to help your child during this time:   Encourage your child to join school and community groups, such as a sports team, or to be a volunteer for a charity. Help your child develop his own sense of right and wrong. Talk with him about risky things friends might pressure him to do, like smoki...

Parenting Tips: 6 - 8 years

  Emotional/Social Changes:   Children in this age group might           Show more independence from parents and family.          Start to think about the future.          Understand more about his or her place in the world.          Pay more attention to friendships and teamwork.          Want to be liked and accepted by friends.   Thinking and Learning: Children in this age group might: Show rapid development of mental skills. Learn better ways to describe experiences and talk about thoughts and feelings. Have less focus on one’s self and more concern for others.   Positive Parenting Tips: Following are some things you, as a parent, can do to help your child during this time: Show affection for your child.  Recognize her accomplishments. Help your child develop a sense of responsibility - ask him to help with household task...

Parenting Tips: 3-5 years

  As children grow into early childhood, their world will begin to open up. They will become more independent and begin to focus more on adults and children outside of the family. They will want to explore and ask about the things around them even more. Their interactions with family and those around them will help to shape their personality and their own ways of thinking and moving. During this stage, children should be able to ride a tricycle, use safety scissors, notice a difference between girls and boys, help to dress and undress themselves, play with other children, recall part of a story, and sing a song. Positive Parenting Tips Following are some of the things you, as a parent, can do to help your preschooler  during this time: Continue to read to your child. Nurture her/his love for books by taking her/his to the library or bookstore. Let your child help with simple chores. Encourage your child to play with other children. This helps him to learn the value of sharin...

Parenting Tips: 2-3 years

  Toddlers (2-3 yrs old) Because of children’s growing desire to be independent, this stage is often called the “terrible twos.” However, this can be an exciting time for parents and toddlers. Toddlers will experience huge thinking, learning, social, and emotional changes that will help them to explore their new world, and make sense of it. During this stage, toddlers should be able to follow two- or three-step directions, sort objects by shape and color, imitate the actions of adults and playmates, and express a wide range of emotions. Positive Parenting Tips Following are some of the things you, as a parent, can do to help your toddler during this time:          Set up a special time to read books with your toddler.         Encourage your child to take part in pretend play.          Help your child to explore things around her by taking her on a walk.          Encourage your child...

Parenting-Tips: Toddler 1-2 years

  During the second year, toddlers are moving around more, and are aware of themselves and their surroundings. Their desire to explore new objects and people is also increasing. During this stage, toddlers will show greater independence; begin to show defiant behavior ; recognize themselves in pictures or a mirror; and imitate the behavior  of others, especially adults and older children. Toddlers also should be able to recognize the names of familiar people and objects, form simple phrases and sentences, and follow simple instructions and directions. Positive Parenting Tips Following are some of the things you, as a parent, can do to help your toddler during this time: Read to your toddler daily. Ask her to find objects for you or name body parts and objects. Play matching games with your toddler, like shape sorting and simple puzzles. Encourage him to explore and try new things. Help to develop your toddler’s language by talking with her and adding to words she starts. Encou...