The Pandemic & Sexual health

The coronavirus pandemic has been creating a havoc in well set routines since last year.
The extended lockdown continues with all arenas of entertainment such theatres, cinema halls being shut. Along with this absence of on screen romance, do you feel a drought of Romance & Sex in your lives too?

To look at it, seems like an ideal situation for many of us. We are working from home, staying in proximity of partners more than ever. The hassles of daily travel have reduced and we have all the time in the world at hand. While for some the sex drive is as healthy and happening as before, for others, it is where has our libido gone ?

Fear not, research shows this phenomenon is occurring across the globe and is completely normal.

What could be the reasons??

Stress and then some more
This is probably one the most stressful years for all of us. Stress, anxiety and worry can have a drastic effect on your sex drive. To top it pandemic is perceived as a direct threat to our lives. It is survival stress for us. 

The survival stress is about finances as well. The economic downturn is real and putting several people out of jobs. The reaction to this financial uncertainty is making us stressed and frustrated.
With our evolutionary instincts kicking in our mind and body only focus on making it through the crisis and not on pleasure or procreation.

The health care system does not really feel accessible at the moment and you are doing all you can to avoid a dreaded trip to the doctor. The fear of pregnancy and undertaking regular doctor visits during the pandemic may worry some and have a negative pull on sex drive. 

Too much time together :
Before the pandemic, the time spent was limited but it led to an excitement of seeing each other at the end of the day. Now with breakfast, lunch, dinner and all the time in between them is spent seeing each other. The spark seems to be lost somewhere. 

Also, the work from home dream seems to be fading with blurring professional and personal boundaries. This work- home balance can get affected here and cause differences regarding dividing the chores. Inadvertently this leads to arguments and has an indirect impact on our sex life. 

Lifestyle changes:
The lockdown has also led to shutting down of the gyms, yoga studios and dance classes. It is likely that your well set fitness routine has taken a hit as well. Coupled with eating habits and binge eating due to boredom chances are your health status is somewhat affected. This can also affect your hormones and sex drive. 
Some people also tend to turn to substances such as alcohol and cigarettes for coping with stress and they are not ideal for your libido as well.

Less sex leads to less sex:
Seems to be fallacy at the first look, but science says the more you have sex, the better your sex life stays. As the frequency of sex reduces, so does the sex drive. It is “Use it or lose it” kind of a situation with hormones here. 

How to boost your real life romance:

First things first.. Worry not.. this is not permanent. Remember the Pandemic was unprecedented and hence coping with it was completely new to us too. Your libido will be back up soon.

Nevertheless to amp it up a bit here are some things to do...
Sex is not merely a physical act, but a mental one too. Build up intimacy to foster your libido.

Mental intimacy can be enhanced by spending time with each other. Quality time. Merely being in the same room 24x 7 doesn’t account for quality time. Ask how each other’s day was. Watch something together, cook a meal together. 

Physical intimacy is important too. It’s the small skin to skin non sexual touches that such as hand holding and foot rubs that ignite the fire again. 

Talk about it. Quite often no one acknowledges the elephant in the room. Talk about your libidos, communicate your needs and be appreciative of your partners needs. This will break the ice and improve the sex.

Use some aids. Romantic getaways to serene picturesque places is not on the table. Make your bedroom more exciting and favourable with change in the ambience.

Stress relief for libido: any kind of stress busting techniques such as yoga, stretching, meditation or listening to music can help to boost your libido.

Don't let the Pandemic affect your sex lives, leave the worries outside the bedroom and keep the lines of communication open.


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