
Showing posts with the label mental health

Parenting in 2010's

  Indian parenting of 2010s The gap between the parents and the children shows up again, but with a twist this time. The gap isn’t from the parent’s side, it is from the side of the children. Although the parents have adapted themselves pretty well to the new technology, nevertheless, the kids have the advantage of being born into it. Now parents are the ones who are trying to find out what’s going on in the lives of their children. However, since their minds can’t take in huge amount of information, they find it impossible to catch up. The parents Just like the 90s and 2000s had the best of children, the 2010s have the best of parents. Now the parents no longer depend upon their traditional wisdom for parenting advice. They absorb whatever information they can get regarding the matter on both social media and the Internet. Thanks to the positive influence of inspirational movies, the parents are often above gender stereotypes. Far from hindering their child’s artistic abilities, they

Parenting in 80's

  In the 80s, many Indians pulled themselves out of the uncertainty of the earlier times and were living stable lives. In fact, the rise of middle class is evident in the significant developments in the intellectual sphere. The 80s marked the beginning of the rise of nuclear families in India. The average family had a father, mother, two or three children, and lots of love. Both the children and the parents were kind of heaving a sigh of relief. They no longer had to bear the pressure of joint families, but they were somehow missing them too. The parents were moral, but didn’t usually go out of the way to teach their kids a lesson. Last but not the least, within limits of decency, they allowed their kids to choose the clothes they wanted to wear and the food they wanted to eat. Father had a job that was usually good enough to take care of the household. Some of the mothers were working too, but they did so only in less time-consuming jobs like those of teachers. All in all, the parents

Asthma: Physical & Mental Wellness

Know someone dealing with Asthma, then you may have also picked up that stress in their life often brings about worsening of their breathing complaints. One may wonder why? Asthma is one the disorders intricately linked with the psyche. Historically, it was one of the classic psychosomatic diseases; where the mind (psyche) affects the body (soma) to cause physical symptoms.  Asthma is a chronic illness, usually requiring long term management. The need for prolonged medical support and apparent dependency causes depression, fatigue, anxiety in many. It also triggers panic attacks, in turn causing breathlessness of its own and often makes it difficult to completely differentiate these two conditions. Also, there is evidence that anxiety and depression gave a negative effect on Asthma by itself. It can cause increased frequency and severity of attacks, prolonged hospitalisation and delayed recovery. Anxiety, Panic attacks & Asthma: Those who have experienced a severe asthm

Welcome to The Secret Diary of The Beautiful Mind!

Our mission & passion at The Beautiful Mind Clinic is about mental health & psychological wellness. Join us in this journey where we have candid conversations & share some secrets about the beautiful mind and everything within it.  It's not merely about fixing what's broken, but finding out what is missing in the recipe of life. Our motto is, "Healing minds, mending hearts, towards fruitful living." Keep watching this space for more on mental health and feel free to reach out to us for more conversations!