Parenting in 80's


In the 80s, many Indians pulled themselves out of the uncertainty of the earlier times and were living stable lives. In fact, the rise of middle class is evident in the significant developments in the intellectual sphere.

The 80s marked the beginning of the rise of nuclear families in India. The average family had a father, mother, two or three children, and lots of love. Both the children and the parents were kind of heaving a sigh of relief. They no longer had to bear the pressure of joint families, but they were somehow missing them too. The parents were moral, but didn’t usually go out of the way to teach their kids a lesson. Last but not the least, within limits of decency, they allowed their kids to choose the clothes they wanted to wear and the food they wanted to eat.

Father had a job that was usually good enough to take care of the household. Some of the mothers were working too, but they did so only in less time-consuming jobs like those of teachers. All in all, the parents were well-informed, well-dressed and well-behaved. They had a bit of the 80s charm to them. Depending upon the situation, they could be very traditional or modern.

Since the children could finally express their opinion without incurring their parent’s wrath, they were more open about themselves. Moreover, although special talents among children weren’t discouraged, the children were generally expected to work towards a well-defined vocation like that of a doctor, engineer, architect etc.


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