
Asthma: Physical & Mental Wellness

Know someone dealing with Asthma, then you may have also picked up that stress in their life often brings about worsening of their breathing complaints. One may wonder why? Asthma is one the disorders intricately linked with the psyche. Historically, it was one of the classic psychosomatic diseases; where the mind (psyche) affects the body (soma) to cause physical symptoms.  Asthma is a chronic illness, usually requiring long term management. The need for prolonged medical support and apparent dependency causes depression, fatigue, anxiety in many. It also triggers panic attacks, in turn causing breathlessness of its own and often makes it difficult to completely differentiate these two conditions. Also, there is evidence that anxiety and depression gave a negative effect on Asthma by itself. It can cause increased frequency and severity of attacks, prolonged hospitalisation and delayed recovery. Anxiety, Panic attacks & Asthma: Those who have experienced a severe asthm

Infertility & Impact on Marital life

India despite being a highly populous country, is facing a growing trend of infertility (upto 16.8 percent) among couples. Infertility in medical terms is when couple is unable to conceive despite having unprotected sex for at least one year.  The physical and financial toll of fertility treatments is definitely demanding, but also has psychological problems that can be long lasting. Couples dealing with infertility can experience sadness, guilt, anger, inferiority and even shame. It can also feel like loss of identity for some. They may feel inadequate or broken since they are not able to reproduce naturally. Also, even though there is significant progress in awareness and treatment, some stigma surrounding infertility still lingers in our society. This can lead to feelings of isolation and grief.  Several fertility treatments are available with improving efficacy rates day by day. During these treatments, the couple is advised to have timed intercourse when chances of con

The Pandemic & Sexual health

The coronavirus pandemic has been creating a havoc in well set routines since last year. The extended lockdown continues with all arenas of entertainment such theatres, cinema halls being shut. Along with this absence of on screen romance, do you feel a drought of Romance & Sex in your lives too? To look at it, seems like an ideal situation for many of us. We are working from home, staying in proximity of partners more than ever. The hassles of daily travel have reduced and we have all the time in the world at hand. While for some the sex drive is as healthy and happening as before, for others, it is where has our libido gone ? Fear not, research shows this phenomenon is occurring across the globe and is completely normal. What could be the reasons?? Stress and then some more :  This is probably one the most stressful years for all of us. Stress, anxiety and worry can have a drastic effect on your sex drive. To top it pandemic is perceived as a direct threat to our liv

Welcome to The Secret Diary of The Beautiful Mind!

Our mission & passion at The Beautiful Mind Clinic is about mental health & psychological wellness. Join us in this journey where we have candid conversations & share some secrets about the beautiful mind and everything within it.  It's not merely about fixing what's broken, but finding out what is missing in the recipe of life. Our motto is, "Healing minds, mending hearts, towards fruitful living." Keep watching this space for more on mental health and feel free to reach out to us for more conversations!