

The 21st day of March (the 3rd month of the year) was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. The United Nations in the general principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) calls for: “full and effective participation and inclusion in society” But around the world, t oday’s reality is… … that people with Down syndrome and disabilities do not benefit from full and effective participation and inclusion in society. Why is this? Many reasons. But one reason is a lack of agreed understanding about what inclusion is and what inclusive systems look like in practice. So what can you do? Think about what inclusion means Think about your daily life; when you take part in activities like school, work, recreation or public life, alongside other people. Are you included? Do you have the same opportunities as others? Or do you face barriers? Do you participate in inclusive activitie

Single Parenting - How to empower yourself!

  Raising kids alone is not easy. You have no one to support or share your dilemmas and concerns. However let this not overwhelm you. Some tips to empower you to do what you want to. 1. Don't feel Guilty - You may feel guilty for the things you cannot provide or the time you may spend with your kids. For your good, try to focus on all the things to accomplish for the day and also show the love, comfort and attention to your little ones. Seek help as needed. 2. Take care of yourself - Include physical activity in your daily routine, eat a healthy diet and get plenty of sleep. Arrange time to do activities you enjoy alone or with friends. Give yourself a "timeout" by arranging for child to be with relatives or family friends least a few hours a week. 3. Lean on others - Work out a schedule with other parents in school or classes. Call on loved ones, friends and neighbors for help. 4. Plan and handle finances - Taking care of the family on a single income or being dependent


  Single - Parenting-tips Being a single parent can be overwhelming at times. However, don’t lose heart over any issues! You can cope with the stress with a great amount of planning and with these simple tips to help nurture and raise kids in a positive environment. Show Love To Your Children. a. Make most of the time: You can spend quality time with your little one anywhere and anytime. Chat with her on the way to her school or child care. Talk to her during the dinnertime rather than encouraging her to watch television. Play sing-a-along on a ride, narrate funny short stories at bedtime, play word games, and you can do more. b. Pique the interest: Talk to your child about her favorite things, from books to sport to music. Try to awaken the interest by playing her favorite computer game or sport along with her. c. Positive attention: Smile with her, laugh with her and hug her as much as you can. Let her know that you are happy to see her in the morning and when she is back home from

Self Injury Awareness Day

  Often self harm is seen as a sign of mental weakness or attention seeking behaviour. Views such as these often delay and prevent the person resorting to harming self from seeking help. Self-harm is usually a sign that a person is having a tough time coping with their emotions. The term self-harm encompasses a variety of behaviors that may include but are not limited to cutting, scratching, burning, picking etc. People who self-harm may do so for following reasons. 1. To help manage unbearable emotions and symptoms 2. To help regain a sense of feeling (for those experiencing numbness) 3. To help relieve stress and pressure 4. To help feel in control 5. To reenact a trauma in an attempt to resolve it 6. To protect others from emotional pain What Can You Do? How you react if someone discloses their self-harm is extremely important. The news may distress you and you may feel overwhelmed with emotions. You may also feel confused, frustrated, guilty or sad. All of these emotions, plus


  Often the negative effects of single parent households are quite apparent; economic troubles and abandonment related trust issues. But, there are also positive effects on raising a child. 1. Strong bonding - Spending quality time with your little one creates a unique bond which will be stronger than the one if you were a nuclear parent. It goes well in the case of custodial parents (one who has sole physical custody of the child) and also non-custodial parents who play a significant role in their child’s lives. 2. Community attachments - 'It takes a village to raise a child!' Children raised by a single parent often grow up within a community of supporters. Extended family and friends are likely to take part in the lives of the children. 3. More mature, more responsible kids - Single parents have to work harder, and their children have to collaborate with them for the good of the family. The children also learn how to deal with disappointments and turbulent emotions. They ar


  Single-parent families are more likely to experience financial problems because they only have one earner. These problems used to be compounded due to the patriarchal structure of society, lower status of females, bias in educating girls, lack of access to training facilities, and a sex segregated labour market where there are not only fewer jobs for women but those that are available are mostly low paid, part time, and insecure. Present day society has overcome many of these concerns, but still many are prevalent depending on social strata, caste, religion and other sociodemographic variables. Single parenting mothers are often perceived negatively by society and have little or no social life after family disintegration. The attitude towards female divorcees and widows in India has historically been negative and unfavourable towards their remarriage. There may be intense sorrow (and loneliness) when child envies pals who live with both parents. Building new relationships is difficul


  Single-parent families as those in which there is a single parent, father or mother, raising his or her own children. A single-parent family may get established because of the permanent absence of a parent from home due to death, divorce, separation, desertion, even unwed motherhood, or because of temporary absence as, for instance, due to migration for employment, and imprisonment for long periods of time. In India, the death of a parent is the most likely cause of single-parent family, followed by divorce and separation. Some of the more recent causes leading to single paretning include adoption by those who are unmarried. Some women choose to be single parents via surrogacy. Although relatively small, growing numbers of women in developed countries, especially those who are professional and older, are becoming single mothers by choice. Concerned about their reproductive clock ticking and the lack of a suitable partner, some of those single women have turned to sperm donors in ord