
Cannabis use - The effects

The active ingredient in cannabis, delta‐9‐ tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is only found in small portions of the cannabis plant, in the flowering tops and in some of the leaves. After consuming cannabis, users typically report the feeling of euphoria and relaxation.As those effects subside, some users report feeling sleepy or depressed, and others may feel anxious or panicked, or have paranoid thoughts or experience acute psychosis depending on pharmacogenetic characteristics and vulnerability. Cannabis use is linked to deficits in tasks of executive functioning. It has negative effects on memory, including the ability to form new memories, and on attention and learning. These effects can last up to 28 days after abstinence from the drug. Functional imaging of brain shows adults who use cannabis heavily often exhibit deficits in executive functioning, attention, learning, and memory within a few days following use. Science confirms that the adolescent brain, particularly the prefrontal c

Cannabis Addiction

  Cannabis is one of the most widely used psychoactive substances. It has a rich history spanning thousands of years and varying representations throughout human civilization. The more prevalent term ‘marijuana’ typically refers to the dried leaves, stems, and flowering buds of the two more commonly consumed strains of sativa and indica. A few active components of cannabis, namely delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabinol (CBN), and cannabidiol (CBD), have been found to produce its intoxicating effects, which include feelings of euphoria, altered perception, relaxation, and wellbeing. In India, cannabis is commonly known to have three distinct derivatives; a) ganja (marijuana), the dried flower buds or fruits of the female cannabis plant, b) charas (hashish), the resinous exudation secreted by the plant c) bhang, a grinded paste of only the matured leaves. The use of cannabis has steadily grown in recent years, and more than 200 million people worldwide used cannabis in 2019 alone

International Stress Awareness Day

International Stress Awareness Day was set aside as a time to be aware of the stress in the modern world, understand its impact, and strive to mitigate the damage it can do. While stress certainly serves a solid purpose in human biology, it is also true that modern life has brought about a surplus of causes that haunt people from day-to-day. And the impact has been, for some people, rather catastrophic. Whether dealing with a job that puts you under tremendous pressure or facing struggles in life or relationships that leave you in a state of constant worry, stress can be a real killer. In fact, some statistics show that more than 1,00,000 people die every year as a direct result of work-related stress. And that’s only the beginning. International Stress Awareness Day is an ideal opportunity to start looking after yourself and your life, and break down the individual stressors in your life. Failure to deal with stress in your life effectively can lead to serious health problems, includ

World Psoriasis Day

Worldwide , 1 in 10 patients of psoriatic disease is diagnosed with clinical depression. As many as 48% have anxiety. The psychological impact is increasingly recognised as a significant part of psoriatic disease. 4 in 5 peaople have experienced stigma and discrimination with psoriatic disease. Isoloation and negative self image further contribute to negative mental health. Career choices, productivity at work and earning potential are negatively impacted by psoriatic disease. This is compounded by increased medical expenses. The financial impact of psoriatic disease is a major source of anxiety and stress. 43%of patients living with psoriatic disease have seen their disease become worse during the Covid-19 pandemic. Nearly half of these reported increased anxiety. 81%report that the disease has an impact on their relationships. Psoriatic disease is bilogically linked to depression and anxiety. Effective treatment suppresses the inflammatory mediators causing psoriatic disease, depress

World Osteoporosis Day

  Osteoporosis is a disease which causes your bones to become porous, weak and fragile. The result: a higher risk of broken bones, known as fragility fractures. Osteoporosis is ‘invisible’ - there are no obvious signs or symptoms, until a bone breaks. In people with osteoporosis, this can happen after a minor fall from standing height, a bump, sudden movement, or from bending or lifting. Osteoporosis-related fractures are most likely to occur in the hip, spine, wrist or upper part of the arm, but other bones can break too. One broken bone leads to another, and that’s why it’s important to diagnose and treat the disease as soon as possible. Osteoporosis-related fractures affect one in three women and one in five men aged 50 years or older worldwide. A DISEASE WITH SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES Although osteoporosis itself is painless, the fragility fractures it causes can have serious, life-changing consequences. When osteoporosis affects the bones of the spine, it often leads to pain, height-lo


  Girls around the world continue to face unprecedented challenges to their education, their physical and mental wellness, and the protections needed for a life without violence. COVID-19 has worsened existing burdens on girls around the world and worn away important gains made over the last decade. With adversity, however, comes resourcefulness, creativity, tenacity, and resilience. The world's 600 million adolescent girls have shown time and time again that given the skills and the opportunities, they can be the changemakers driving progress in their communities, building back stronger for all, including women, boys and men. Girls are ready for a decade of acceleration forward. It is time for us all to stand accountable – with and for girls – and to invest in a future that believes in their agency, leadership and potential.


  Whilst the pandemic has, and continues to, take its toll on our mental health, the ability to reconnect through World Mental Health Day 2022 will provide us with an opportunity to re-kindle our efforts to protect and improve mental health. Many aspects of mental health have been challenged; and already before the pandemic in 2019 an estimated one in eight people globally were living with a mental disorder. At the same time, the services, skills and funding available for mental health remain in short supply, and fall far below what is needed, especially in low and middle income countries. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global crisis for mental health, fueling short- and long-term stresses and undermining the mental health of millions. Estimates put the rise in both anxiety and depressive disorders at more than 25% during the first year of the pandemic. At the same time, mental health services have been severely disrupted and the treatment gap for mental health conditions has wide