Cannabis Addiction


Cannabis is one of the most widely used psychoactive substances. It has a rich history spanning thousands of years and varying representations throughout human civilization.

The more prevalent term ‘marijuana’ typically refers to the dried leaves, stems, and flowering buds of the two more commonly consumed strains of sativa and indica. A few active components of cannabis, namely delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabinol (CBN), and cannabidiol (CBD), have been found to produce its intoxicating effects, which include feelings of euphoria, altered perception, relaxation, and wellbeing. In India, cannabis is commonly known to have three distinct derivatives;
a) ganja (marijuana), the dried flower buds or fruits of the female cannabis plant,
b) charas (hashish), the resinous exudation secreted by the plant
c) bhang, a grinded paste of only the matured leaves.

The use of cannabis has steadily grown in recent years, and more than 200 million people worldwide used cannabis in 2019 alone. It remains the most widely cultivated and trafficked illicit substance worldwide. In India, according to a nationwide survey, 31 million people (2.8% of the total population) reported using cannabis in 2018, and 0.25% (2.5 million) also showed signs of cannabis dependence.

Cannabis is the third most common substance of use in India alongside alcohol and tobacco, making it the most widely used illicit substance.
The use of cannabis is a significant part of the religious lives of Hindus from mostly India and Nepal, and it has been represented in various Hindu scriptures.
Even to this day, the consumption of cannabis is regarded as auspicious during the annual Hindu festivals of Shivaratri, Krishna Ashtami, Kali puja, and Holi and is an essential part of certain religious observances.
Despite the legal prohibitions, cannabis remains the highest consumed and trafficked and frequently seized illicit substance in India. The cities of Mumbai and Delhi are ranked amongst the top ten cities of the world in cannabis consumption.


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