Alcohol Addiction Patients

5 subtypes of patients having alcohol addiction: Young Adult Subtype - 31.5%, largest group. Have lower comobidity and family history. Binge pattern of drinking observed, less help seeking behaviour. Functional Subtype - 19.5%. More likely to hold jobs and relationships. Depression, cigarette smoking common. Highest education, income amongst patients having alcohol concerns. Intermediate Familial Subtype - 18.8% - high rates of family history of substance use and also of psychological issues and other substance use. Hold on to jobs but less help seeking behaviour. Young Antisocial Subtype - 21%. Almost half of them have antisocial personality disorder, along with other psychological issues. High rates of other substance use disorder. Lowest levels of education, employment, and income, but highest help seeking behaviour. Chronic Severe Subtype - 9.2%. 70% have family history of substance use, high antisocial personality diagnosis and other psychological and substance use concerns....