Addiction Criteria


Addictions are characterised by dependence on substance or activity. There are certain features that indicate dependence, 2 which we saw last time - craving and difficulty controlling use. We will have a look at 2 more this time and the last two - salience and harmful use next time.
Withdrawal features - A physiological withdrawal state if substance use is stopped or even reduced, as evidenced by: the characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the substance; or use of the same (or a closely related) substance with the intention of relieving or avoiding withdrawal symptoms;
This is one of the main reason why people using substance are unable to move beyond it, despite its adverse impact on physical and mental health, on relationships and professionally as well. The discomfort felt and the knowledge that substance will relieve it, creates a viscious cycle that spirals in the downward direction.

Tolerance - This reflects that body is getting used to the substance being consumed. Here, increased doses of the psychoactive substance are required in order to achieve effects originally produced by lower doses.
Any positive effects while using the substance, like relaxation, feeling high, act as driving forces behind continued consumption of substance. However as these effects reduce over time, the quantity of substance used increases to get the same effects.

Any 3 out of these 6 features if present over the last 1 year, indicates dependence on the substance and need for help to deal with it.


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