Permissive parents tend to be very loving, yet provide few guidelines and rules. These parents do not expect mature behavior from their children and often seem more like a friend than a parental figure. Their motto is often simply that "kids will be kids." While they are usually warm and loving, they make little or no attempt to control or discipline their kids.

Because there are few rules, expectations, and demands, children raised by permissive parents tend to struggle with self-regulation and self-control. Characteristics of Permissive parents: 1. Are usually very nurturing and loving towards their kids 2. Ask their children's opinions on major decisions 3. Emphasize their children's freedom rather than responsibility 4. Have few rules or standards of behavior, any rules they do have are inconsistent 5. May use bribery such as toys, gifts, and food as a means to get a child to behave 6. Often seem more like a friend, rather than a parent 7. Provide little in the way of a schedule or structure 8. Rarely enforce any type of consequences Effects of permissive parenting:
Kids display low achievement in many areas, make poor decisions, may be more prone to delinquency and substance use, show more aggression and less emotional understanding and are unable to manage their time or habits. Since these parents have few requirements for mature behavior, children may lack skills in social settings. While they may be good at interpersonal communication, they lack other important skills such as sharing. What can be done?
Develop a list of basic household rules, follow through, make sure your kids understand the penalty of breaking the rules and reward good behavior.


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