Parenting in 90's

The 90s - With liberalization kicking in with Rao and Singh partnership, life turned around quite dramatically in the 90s. Parents had more options for better jobs and more time for the family as well. TV serials, especially Ramayana and later Mahabharata helped the family be together. Mobile phones and social media were thankfully absent, allowing for proper conversations and relationships to develop.
Life was a playground and you could have fun no matter whether you were staying inside the house or going outdoors. Moreover, for the first time, children could opt for a variety of western games like basketball, football, badminton, volleyball etc. Nevertheless, cricket was the staple diet. Children had loads of time to play and had adorable ways to fight with friends. Katti Batti, standing in lines during assemblies, getting scolded for mischiefs in the assembly were common. Playing pranks with fake insects, especially on teachers still elicit bouts of laughters. Fairs during festivals were a must go. Trump cards also made their appearance along with WWF! In the 90s, not only was growing up fun, but so was the parenting too. Both child and parent often engaged in the same vices, leading to an atmosphere of allowance and joviality.



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